The objective of the research project "Development of a training model in the strengthening of microfinance in Uganda" has been the definition and the dissemination of a training model in the field of microfinance in Uganda. The project can be replicated on a national scale and would have the potential to improve the effectiveness of this sector in order to ultimately reduce financial exclusion.
The project achieved main results as follows:
- organization of a specialized course to improve professional capabilities of local experts working in the field of microfinance in Uganda;
- implementation of the sustainability to be achieved in terms of microfinance projects’ dissemination by helping the new operators to the introduction of new initiatives in remote areas;
- improvement of the mobility of trained human resources in order to develop develop a comparative approach to microfinance, in paticular to the issue of microinsurance;
- creation of an internet portal, in both Italian and English, to open an interesting communicative window;
- improvement of the availability of relevant data in order to assess the progress and the impact of microfinance projects;
- sharing micro-entrepreneurial experiences that can create positive externalities to further expand productive activities;
- dissemination of best practices that will improve entrepreneurial skills, fostering greater impact on the socio-economic context.
The project results have been collected on three publications, whose contributions have been subjected to a scientific evaluation and approval of the scientific direction:
- The Socio-Economic Impact of Microfinance: the case of “Wekembe”
- The Uganda Microinsurance Contest
- Microfinance course – concept papers
Roberto Pasca di Magliano, scientific director of the project, chairman of the section International Cooperation of the Fondazione Roma Sapienza
Marina De Angelis, Research fellow, Department of Statistical Sciences, Sapienza University of Rome (Italy)
Marcella Corsi, Full Professor, Department of Statistical Sciences, Sapienza University of Rome (Italy)
Valeria Cirillo, Research fellow, Institute of Economics, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa (Italy)
Roberta Parrilla, Project manager, El Hombre Sobre la Tierra A.C., Merida (Mexico)
Sapienza, Università di Roma
Palazzo del Rettorato, aula Multimediale – December 20th 2016